segunda-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2024


Tenho tentado aprender inglês fazendo o que eu deveria ter feito há muito tempo: lendo textos escritos nessa língua que encontro na internet. Meu filho mais velho aprendeu assim (a diferença é que ele é inteligente pra kawaka). E por gostar de poesia fico pentelhando poemas em inglês. Acabei achando este de autora (ou autor) não identificada. Achei bacana o título, evocativo de boas lembranças, e tentei traduzir. Não consegui, joguei no Google Translator e achei o resultado uma merda. Entretanto, resolvi publicar aqui assim mesmo (poemas em inglês trazem muita classe ao blog!). Vêaí:
It's strange to say this, but
I dreamed about you last night
And in the dream, I wanted us to meet again.
Maybe this will never happen again
As disagreements seem to be our fate.
I was little more than a teenager
And I wanted to date you.
But you weren't interested.
A few years later, it was you who sought me out
Those moments were good
But I was already committed.
Years passed, and I forgot about you
Until I saw you on the street
For a fleeting, transient moment.
From that moment on,
You always entered
My mind and my thoughts.
Shortly after, for a brief moment of madness,
We met again
You were divorced, but I was still married
They were furtive, almost platonic meetings
And the end of those moments
Was the most sensible thing to happen.
I found out that you had unpleasant habits
You shouted and said many obscenities.
And that you wouldn't be good company.
But sometimes, I still think of you
Sometimes I still dream of you.

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  Encontrei este texto no Facebook e fiquei tão impactado que decidi publicá-lo no blog. Não sei o autor e nem sei se possui um título. Por ...